You are about to pre-book your trek. What is pre-booking the hike?
The Inca Trail season is open from January to December. Nevertheless, you can book now your trek for the next season 2026. This is what we call a pre-booking.
It should be noted that the trek must be booked in advance. The pre-booking gives you the guarantee to be able to do your trek as desired.
While pre-booking, you need to indicate the duration of the trek and the number of participants. If you have it, also the date, but it can be added or changed later. You can therefore book without setting a final date or entering the information of the participants, such as their passport number.
Now you pay only a deposit of a fixed amount per person of US$ 169 for the 2-Day Trail, or US$ 225 for the 4-Day Trail.
The balance will be due a few days before your trek.
You have until 8 days before the season 2026 opens to easily indicate the date of the trek, any trek options and participant information when you wish.
The pre-booking becomes final when we have all your information and the Peruvian Government opens the new season.
As soon as the new season is open, we immediately book your trek. Your trek is therefore 100% guaranteed.
If you decide to cancel your reservation before the opening of the new season, we will refund the deposit you paid minus a penalty for banking and administrative fees.