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Machu Picchu 1 day trip
Catherine P.
2010年6月19日, 14:54


I am writing to ask for your advice about Machu Piccu.

I will be in Cusco for work from the 26th June and only have time to do a 1

day trip to Machu Picchu. I would like to go on a tour leaving early morning

and returning around 21:00 in the evening. Please can you advise me when

would be the best day to visit Machu Piccu? I could go on Sunday 27th or

Monday 28th. Also it says on your website that you need a minimum booking

of 2 people but I am only 1 person. Please can you tell me whether you

already have enough interest for a day trip on either of those days?

Thank you very much,


Re: Machu Picchu 1 day trip
Messages: 825
2010年6月20日, 11:48

Hello Catherine,

Thank you for your interest in our services. Yes, you can book for the date you prefer because we have departures guaranteed everyday, even if you are traveling by yourself. We don't require a minimum of 2. For Machu Picchu, any day is OK, Sunday or Monday and our tour starts very early and ends late at night. All our reservation system is based online, so you can book directly through our website.

Should you need anything else, feel free to contact us again.

Best regards,

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